More Than Meets The Eye

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Most people believe Mount Everest to be the tallest mountain in the world, but the title actually belongs to Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano in Hawaii. Like an iceberg, more than half of Mauna Kea resides below water. 

Mauna Kea is a beautiful reminder that what’s under the surface matters. God wants us to see others as He does, and choose to look below the surface of our own hearts too. Self-examination can greatly impact our:

Personal growth. It’s easy to project a certain image, but true transformation and change happens when we allow God to work on the tough, hidden stuff deep inside.  

Relationships. Did something a friend say invoke a much larger reaction from you than it should have? It’s easy to blame others, but these “flare ups” often indicate something deeper — a need for healing in our own heart.

Another place to look beyond the obvious is our charitable giving. While it may seem like cash is the simplest way to give to ministries you care about like Haven of Rest Ministries, it’s not always the most beneficial. Donating appreciated stock instead of cash provides many surprising benefits including:

  • Tax deductions - up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income
  • Avoidance of capital-gains taxes on the increase in value over time
  • The gift of extra time and simplicity when you donate through a donor-advised fund

For the full version of this article, request a FREE copy of “3 Secrets to a Deeper Life” by contacting Stu Butler at (864) 226-6193 ext. 101 or - or bless your family today with a God-honoring Will at