Lives are in the Balance

By his own admission, Richard’s life had been a disappointment. Quitting school in the 9th grade, Richard pursued what the world called manhood. Richard says, “I was introduced to marijuana, sex and alcohol at an early age because it was the norm.” It only got worse. By the time we met Richard in 2013 he had been in jail over 50 times and in prison 4 times. A Christian man named David was visiting in the jails and saw Richard reading a Bible in his cell and said to Richard “if you want to change your life, I know a place where that can happen”. Richard asked David to write a letter on his behalf to the Haven of Rest, an 18-month Christ centered discipleship program. After coming to the Haven God began to transformation of Richard’s life. Richard says, “I received my GED, family restoration, work certifications from Tri-County Tech, my license back, and so much more”. After graduation from the program Richard started a job that he still holds to this day, working in the field of his area of certification earned at Tri-County Tech while at the Haven. Today Richard is married with two beautiful girls and Matt 6:33 is a reality to him, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteous, and all these things will be added to you”.

Thank You for letting God use you as a Haven of Rest partner to make this possible!

Bobbie Houston